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You can get visual correlations of ANY small data without problem. It is possible and we can help.

The skilled team of specialists at AIDATO,  use a comprehensive approach to care, which means we look at each aspect of your data to find out which variables are contributing to or exacerbating your data.

Example: Imagine you have only two experimental points  and want to estimate some relation z = f(x,y)

Is it possible to get a 3D visual image using existing methods? Of course not

Because this is the so-called small data problem, where the number of points is less than the dimension of the space, in this case in three-dimensional space we have only two points.

But AIDATO method gives the solution

Math Explanation

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The skilled team of specialists at AIDATO,  use a comprehensive approach to care, which means we look at each aspect of your data to find out which variables are contributing to or exacerbating your data

Who makes us trusted around the world

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Jane Cooper


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Brooklyn Simmons


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Jenny Wilson


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Annette Black


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